Role of school, hospital and home setting

If your child is overweight, there is a lot which can be done to help them become a healthy weight as they grow. As a parent, it can sometimes be difficult to tell if your child is overweight. A child may not look heavy or overweight as it is becoming more and more frequent to see heavier children. Research shows that children who achieve a healthy weight tend to be fitter, healthier, better able to learn, and more self-confident. They’re also less likely to have low self esteem and be bullied. And they’re much less likely to have health problems in later life.

As a parent, there is a lot which can be done to help a child become a healthier weight. It is important to get them to become more active and eat well. There are five key ways which can be done to help a child maintain a healthy weight;

  • Be a good role model
  • Encourage 60 minutes of physical activity a day
  • Keep a child-size portions
  • Eat healthy meals, drinks and snacks
  • Less computer/TV/game time and more sleep

One of the best ways to instil good habits in a child is to be a positive role model. All children will learn by example. One of the most important and powerful ways to encourage children to be active and eat well is to do this yourself. As a parent or guardian it is important to play with a child or perform a range of activities with them. Any changes which are made to a child’s diet or lifestyle will much more likely be accepted if the changes are small and involve the whole family.

Overweight children do not need to do more exercise than slimmer children; their extra body weight means they will naturally burn more calories for the same activity. All children need around 60 minutes of physical activity a day for good health, however this does not mean all at once. For younger children, it can take the form of active play, such as ball games, chasing games like “tag”, riding a scooter, and using swings, climbing frames and see-saws. Walking or cycling short distances instead of using the car or bus is a great way to be active together as a family.


It is important to try and feed child-size portions. There is very little official guidance on the amount of the food to give a child, it is important to make personal judgement. A good rule is to start meals with small servings and if the child is hungry they will ask for more. For children it is important that a child has a child sized plate and not an adult sized plate. Set meal times can be an extreme positive as the child can understand when and how to eat slowly.

Just like adults, children should aim to eat five or more portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Fruit and vegetables have a great source of vitamins, minerals and fibre. It is important to discourage a child from having too many sugary or high-fat foods like sweets, cakes, biscuits, some cereals and soft drinks. These foods and drinks tend to be high in calories and low in nutrients. Alongside the correct foods it is important to reduce the time which is spent sitting or lying down. To do this, limit a child’s amount of time watching TV, playing video games or other devices. It is vital that children sleep well and it is a lot easier for children who do not sleep the correct amount of time may be overweight. Lack of food can also affect mood and behaviour within children.


If your child has a medical condition then the advice may not be relevant and you should check first with their GP or hospital doctor.

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